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Human beta-defensin 1 circulating level and gene polymorphism in non-segmental vitiligo Egyptian patients
Azza Gaber Antar Faraga,
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, Mohamed Abd AlMoneam Shoeiba, Azza Zagloul labeebb, Asmaa Shaaban Sleemb, Hagar Mahmoud AbdElkader Khallafc, Amany Salah Khalifad, Mustafa Elsayed Elshaibe, Nada Farag Elnaidanyf, Hayam Mohamed Aboelnasr Hanouta
a Dermatology, Andrology and STDs Department, Faculty of Medicine Menoufia University, Shebin EL-koum, Egypt
b Microbiology and Immunology Department, Faculty of Medicine Menoufia University, Shebin EL-koum, Egypt
c Dermatology Department, Tala Central Hospital, Ministry of Health, Al-Menoufia, Egypt
d Clinical Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine Menoufia University, Shebin EL-koum, Egypt
e Medical Student, Faculty of Medicine, Menoufia University, Shebin EL-koum, Egypt
f Clinical Pharmacy Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, MSA University, Egypt
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