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Letter - Dermatopathology
Animal-type melanoma/pigmented epithelioid melanocytoma: three clinical cases of a rare and controversial entity
Vittorio Geddaa, Francisco González-Colomaa,
Corresponding author
, Alejandro Jeldresb,c, Carolyn Rodríguezb, Gabriela Coulond, Alex Castroe
a Department of Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
b Health Reference Center Peñalolén Cordillera Oriente, Metropolitano Oriente Health Service, Santiago, Chile
c Santiago Oriente Hospital Dr. Luis Tisné Brousse, Metropolitano Oriente Health Service, Santiago, Chile
d Department of Surgery, Dermatology Service, Clínica Alemana, Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile
e Department of Pathology, Clínica Alemana, Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile
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